Page 38 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 38

Crypto-Criminology: The Gothic Nature of Crime
        Looking in the mirror, ours is a reflection of what the face of evil looks like.

        Criminals are us and we are them. The only difference, some control their
        behaviors, while others choose not to. We’re the lone gunman on the grassy knoll.
        And, we’re also werewolf hunter with the silver bullets, stealthily stalking in our

        own delusions. For us, ghouls, specters and phantoms huddle in the hidden caverns
        of the brain’s special mirror, the mind. Figments of imagination find eventual

        fruition in urges, desires and motives. Gloomy thoughts hunger after the lust of life
        and the opposition of death. The study of crime, criminals and criminalistics, should
        never cease searching the limitless spires of human thinking. Crypto-criminology

        asserts a developing foundation of inquiry into the deep murky projections of
        mental reflections. And, in this eternal quest, our sleight of hand tactics become one

        of answering which is the final question. Is it a who done it? Or, is it a why done it?
        If the latter, then why?

        For a basic investigative query, we flip the pages of the basic continuum in the who,

        what, why, where, when and how? Open minded, interdisciplinary and logical,
        we should consider the mischief afoot by following rigorous investigative efforts,
        insights and intuition. This enigmatic inquiry presses toward the cagey weirdness

        of human beings. If, as some suggest, we’re “mind hunters”. And, the mind is an
        illusion the brain conjures. Then, aren’t we really hunting something that doesn’t

        exist? An apparition from the abyss of human ideation, deep in the caverns of the
        cerebral processes? From religion to science, and everything in between, we baffle
        ourselves. Questions remain unanswered in the quest of greater understanding of

        human personalities, motives and proclivities. By dreams and fantasies we create
        our inner world, which transforms at a constant rate. Figuring out deviant behavior

        becomes one of speculation and educated guess work. Most of which, we can’t
        begin to comprehend. The vast reaches of the mystery confound the scientist, the
        priest, the press and politicians. When relegated to the philosophical regions of

        metaphysics, such as religion, the universe of ideology is wide open to speculation.
        The dreamscape of the dominion of human darkness invites the images of vampires,

        werewolves and demons. Supernatural entities exude a kind of special attachment in
        our furtive trickery cryptic mental wanderings. The human puzzle has a multitude
        of pieces. Putting them all together occupies a timelessness that never ceases. In an

        evil world, anything is possible. Even the surprising strain of goodness.

        Overall though, we struggle in criminology to establish accurate measures of

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