Page 41 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 41
Crypto-Criminology: The Gothic Nature of Crime
the flames of a personalized “holy war” in the struggle of individual good and
evil. In the shaded gloominess of the dark encounters, ours is the face of enemy
which we created in our own image. Accordingly, the search continues for a
comprehensive revelation concerning this perplexing species called humankind.
“Crime and the Gothic: Sexualizing Serial Killers”, by Caroline Picart, Florida State University, 2006 - School
of Criminal Justice, University at Albany, Journal of Justice and Popular Culture;
Peck, M. S., People of the Lie - The Hope or Healing Human Evil, (New York, NY: Simon and Shuster, 1983),
pages 40-41;
Schmalleger, F., Criminology Today - An Integrative Approach - Fourth Edition, (Upper Saddle River: Pearson-
Prentice Hal, 2006) page 173;
Baumeister, R. F., Evil - Inside Human Violence and Cruelty, (New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company,
1996), pages 66-67;
Keen, Sam, Hymns to an Unknown God - Awakening the Spirit of Everyday Life, (New York, NY: Bantam
Books, 1994), pages 60-61;
Randy Gonzalez has been an active member in the criminal justice field for the past 38 years. As a police offi-
cer, deputy sheriff and law enforcement instructor, he has been involved in a number of criminal justice activi-
ties. He is the former director of a police academy and a retired chief of police. As a police academy director,
he was responsible for basic recruit training, as well as advanced and career development courses for in-service
law enforcement personnel. His involvement in law enforcement education extends state-wide. Randy also
serves as a professor of criminology on the faculty of a local university, and adjunct professor on the faculty of
a community college and vocational-technical institute. He has served as an educational consultant to schools
and colleges on matters of law enforcement training and is available as an expert witness on law enforcement
training issues.
Randy Gonzalez holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Criminology, and M.P.A. degree in Public Administration, and
a Ph.D. in Biblical Philosophy. As a certified law enforcement instructor, he holds certifications in a number of
law enforcement training topics. As a martial arts practitioner, he has taught classes on self-defense and per-
sonal safety education.
Randy has written and published articles, short stories and training manuals related to the field of criminal jus-
tice and law enforcement. His training materials have been used in college courses and police academy training
programs. He remains an active member of several professional associations at the state, national and interna-
tional levels. In addition, he participates in writer's groups and continues to write about both fiction and non-
fiction subjects. His website is located at: And, his email address is: