Page 43 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 43
Do We Need Autism Awareness Training in our Court System?
The second case my son was a witness. agencies for the families that have a
He was walking with two of his loved one under the autism spectrum as
friends; a man approximately 28 years well as meet & greets for the parents and
old jumped out of his car and started caregivers for the past few years. All
beating up one of my sons friends. I’m parties involved have found these to be
thankful that a Federal law enforcement very useful and informative. Why aren’t
officer heard the boys screaming for the we doing this with our courts?
man to stop and came to assist them.
The officer brought my son home. I I ask, “Do we need autism awareness
advised my son that we would need to training for all court personnel?”
go to court. This time my son wanted
to go to court. When we received the The number of individuals with autism
subpoena I called the attorney and continues to grow on a daily basis.
More& more individuals with autism
advised her my son has autism. She are driving, going to college or trade
asked if he would be able to come in
and speak with the judge and attorneys. school, working and doing business in our
I informed her that he would. My son communities. This also means that they
was dismissed from the case. He was are going to be victims and witnesses to
crimes. Will an attorney understand when
17 at the time. I understand that he may someone like my son doesn’t give eye
not have been needed. On the other
hand, did the attorney’s feel that he contact? Will the court bailiff understand
may not have been a good witness? No when an ASD individual starts to talk
explanation was provided. to themselves and then starts to stim?
Does the Judge understand that an ASD
I ask, “Do we need autism awareness person wants to please and may say yes to
training for all court personnel?” questions that they shouldn’t?
Before my son was dismissed from I ask, “Do we need autism awareness
the second case, I asked the attorney training for all court personnel?”
if they had a program in place for
an autistic individual so they could Individuals living under the spectrum
are over 7 times more likely to come in
familiarize themselves with the layout contact with law enforcement. They are
of the courtroom, meet the attorney’s,
the judge and all other court personnel? commonly mistaken as being under the
The answer was no. I have been setting influence of drugs or alcohol, someone
up tours of the local law enforcement displaying suspicious behaviors and being
evasive or deceitful during questioning.