Page 10 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 10
How to Choose an Expert Witness?
ing that they have more sic Psychiatry” based on
Find out how much of the credibility. I agree. Patient experience alone and the
psychiatrist’s work has contact also allows for the successful completion of
been for the plaintiff ver- continued development of a challenging written ex-
sus the defendant. Ideally, skills in the detailed di- amination. Since 1997,
she should be doing work agnostic interview, which a psychiatrist must have
for both sides, but she is the essence of the psy- completed a least a one-
probably has a preference. chiatric-legal evaluation. year fellowship in order
For example, I have found There is, of course, a fine to sit for the certification
that I do more cases for group of academicians examination.
How much experience
does she have? There is
no magic number, but I
would prefer someone
with a minimum of ten
years’ experience. I also
believe that having some
“life” experience makes
for a better expert. If she
Photo Courtesy of has gone through child-
the defense. This is based who limit themselves to birth, the death of a par-
on my belief that plaintiffs forensic work. ent, divorce, a serious
should be compensated for medical problem etc., she
genuine psychiatric disor- Is your prospective expert should have more empa-
ders and not “normal hu- board certified? In 1995, thy for the plight of the
man unhappiness.” the American Board of examinee.
What percentage of his Psychiatry and Neurology
time is spent in doing officially recognized Fo- Does he have an academic
forensic work versus clini- rensic Psychiatry as a sub- appointment? If so, is
cal practice and/or other specialty. From 1995 to he active in teaching at
professional activities? 1997, a psychiatrist with this time in his career? If
Many attorneys prefer to significant experience in your probable expert is
retain experts who spend forensics could be desig- a teacher, this gives him
a considerable amount of nated as having “Added more credibility and sug-
time seeing patients, feel- Qualifications in Foren- gests that he may be more