Page 15 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 15
man, but as a father,
a parent, and as a
member of our soci-
ety. The moment that
made me realize that I
have the power to be
a catalyst for change,
in the same way, that
every single person
in the United States,
and worldwide also.
Today, ladies and
gentlemen, I realized
the duty I have needed Photo Courtesy of
to be fulfilled, and this is has always been second of my head, infiltrating my
when the core principle nature to me. I sat down whole being, oozing its
behind FACEPINPOINT to watch the news, watch- way through, all the way
was born. ing and listening intently, down to my toes, making
utterly focused on this box sure that it did not miss
It all started almost three of information in front of even the smallest square
years ago, in 2015. It is a me. Suddenly, a young inch of my body. Time
day that I will never forget woman appeared on the stood still.
for the rest of my years, as screen; the reporter ex-
I begin to recollect, I can plained that she had com- I did not know this young
already see the series of mitted suicide because an woman. Personally, I’d
images that flashed before intimate video, in which never crossed paths with
my very eyes that very she featured, was shared her, but I felt a sense of
day. I can hear that clear, online. The emotion that resonance with her. This
informative, authoritative I felt at that precise mo- young woman, whose
voice as if it were yester- ment was like nothing I images were appearing
day. At the time, of course, have ever felt before. I before my very eyes, felt
I thought that this would was utterly distraught. like someone I knew, and
be just like any other day. An immediate wave of why? Because this young
I’ve always been passion- overwhelming sympathy woman could have been
ate about the world around hit my entire being all at my daughter. She could
me, so watching the news once, starting from the top have been the daughter,