Page 18 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 18
close to their heart, con- tions. I just had to find the everything you post online
cerns that they may feel answers to my questions. can be easily accessible
ashamed to reveal. It is within the public domain,
incredibly important, not So I embarked on this and even if you delete this
only for maintaining a odyssey, with nothing but image, your Internet blue-
great relationship with our a fire in my stomach and print is still left behind.
children but also because a deep passion within my
you and I could poten- heart. I knew that I had As a nation, and quite
tially save lives. No one to learn absolutely every- understandably so, we
should ever feel as though thing and anything that I are becoming increas-
they are alone, especially could the subject of my ingly worried about our
our young people. Being question and its associ- online privacy. In 2014,
a teenager is hard enough ated areas. I just had to The TRUSTe Consumer
as it is. We need to be find the answers to my Confidence Index revealed
personally responsible for questions. I spent hour that 90% of Americans
doing more. after hour, day after day, are concerned about pri-
week after week, month vacy surrounding social
I also thought, how can after month, exhausting media. A national poll
I protect those who are every single resource I was also conducted by the
filmed or photographed could get my hands on, I Craig Newmark Founda-
in their most intimate completed books worth tion, in which over 1,000
moments, without their of research – I could have Americans over the age
permission, without their made a straight A student of 18 were asked to talk
knowledge, without their green with envy! Amongst about their concerns with
consent? What could I do, all the Internet searches, emailing hacking, identity
as a father of two young- the clicks, browsing, and theft, as well as the unau-
sters, as a human being, books, I found that it was thorized sharing of pri-
as a citizen, as a member all to no avail. There was vate information. 80% of
of our society? It was at absolutely NOTHING that Americans use social me-
this precise moment that existed to prevent or stop dia every single day, yet
something deep inside images from appearing on the percentage of distrust
of me started to change, the Internet. What shocked had increased in 2 years.
the fire was ignited, and I me even more so, is that 96% of Americans do
knew that it would not be due to the technological not trust social networks
extinguished until I found age that we have found to protect their privacy;
the answers to my ques- ourselves in, absolutely only 7% of millennials