Page 23 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 23
Unfortunately, we live in pen to anyone, celebrities icans, nearly half of the
a culture that prefers to and non-celebrities, high US adult population who
point the finger of blame, profile, or not, just like were hacked in 2014, we
even when that finger Cassidy and the assailant’s aren’t exempt from cloud
isn’t clean. Continuously, co-workers. You and I or webcam hacks either.
while reading up on this could easily become vic-
subject, I came across tims at any given moment. On my quest to find an
phrases such as “why did This could be happening answer to my question, I
she/he send the photo in right now, or even half found the answer within
the first place?” or “She/ an hour from now, in any the absence of data and
he got what they deserved given setting. Hotel rooms material. I found out ex-
for being careless.” Why with a hidden camera, a actly what I had to do to
must we take everything tan room with a hidden prevent future cases such
at face value? Why have camera, a massage par- as the one that I witnessed
we become so dehuman- lour, a public toilet, even on the news, the case of
ized to the pain and suf- a repair shop can extract Cassidy, the women who
fering of other individuals your content and upload it had been left irreparably
within our society? What on to the Internet. Much damaged, and the 110 mil-
happened to our ability like Cassidy and those lion Americans. I found
to empathize? What indi- 100 plus people, the co- out how to protect some-
viduals within the society workers, the celebrities one’s daughter and son,
that we are living intend to that we know and love, sister, and brother. I am
forget is that this can hap- and the 110 million Amer- extremely proud to say
Photo Courtesy of google.coms