Page 28 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 28
Psychological Autopsies
investigation. As humans, from the ongoing inves- wake, conversations are
it is natural to want all tigation and expanding typically centered around
questions answered, not the lines of questioning the decedent. Although
just for curiosity but also is reasonable. However, questioning the imme-
for purposes of healing. interviewing is an art; diate family is not the
So, why do people re- therefore, purely objec- norm, sharing of stories
act differently, even with tive interview protocols and reminiscing are com-
similar profiles? Human do not exist. Interviews monplace. What I have
behavior is unique; we should be conversational noticed during conversa-
each have different trig- in manner, which is a give tions are responses, which
gers, along with different and take relationship be- incorporate the decedent’s
levels of tolerance and tween the interviewer and last perspectives, and how
reasoning capabilities. No interviewee. Each party’s they either had changed or
one person is in the same behavior and emotions are not changed over their last
mental state each second instantaneously interpret- months or years of life.
of the day; hence, there is ed and used to justify the
no guaranteed procedure next line of questioning or Even though no amount
that will predict a person’s responses. In this sense, it of questioning will reveal
mood or actions. is no different from ba- a person’s complete rep-
sic forensic interviews or ertoire of last thoughts,
I mention this because criminal interrogations. we can achieve an idea of
psychological autopsies All rely on the interview- their frame of mind, based
have been criticized for ee’s cognitive and emo- on their previous and past
not being standardized. I tional responses. actions, relationships,
agree checklists are con- successes and failures,
venient, but as an inter- Although coined in the daily habits, changes in
viewer, not all checklists late 1950’s, elements of behavioral patterns, along
are appropriate for all psychological autopsies with fears and goals. It is
interviews. Psychologi- are conducted every time with these puzzle pieces
cal autopsies are a type a person dies or is mur- that possible intentions of
of extended forensic in- dered. It is human nature a decedent may be ex-
terview. It is up to the to want to know a person’s plained.
individual interviewer to last thoughts and frame
determine their outline of mind. On the unfortu-
for questioning. Starting nate occasions of visiting ~Michelle Doscher, PhD
with existing information funeral homes during a