Page 33 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 33

Digital Evidence and Legal Proceedings

        versed on many occasions  the defendant’s version                         consists of an exact byte-

        and it also confirmed the            of events could not have             by-byte copy of all data
        origins of the check. After  been supported.                              and space, both live files
        months of investigation,                                                  and deleted information,

        after the identification of          During the examination               which is present on the de-
        this evidence, the case was  process of digital                           vice. This forensic image

        dropped on the morning of  evidence, it is standard                       then forms the basis of the
        the trial.                           procedure for the evidence  investigation and analy-

                                                                                           Photo Courtesy of securedatarecovery
                                             to be connected to a suit-           sis and the original ex-
        Had the computer evi-                able system using write              hibit can then be securely

        dence not been sufficiently  protecting hardware so                       stored.
        protected and secured                that no alteration or access
        following seizure and the            to the original device is            At the start of the foren-

        data present altered in              possible.                            sic copying process, the
        any way, whether it be by                                                 device is assigned an ac-

        use of the hard drive or             Due to the volatility of             quisition hash value (most
        improper handling of the             digital evidence it is best          commonly an MD5 hash
        drive, the relatively small          practice to take a forensic  value). Once the evidence

        piece of crucial evidence            ‘image’ of the hard drive            has been forensically ac-
        may have been lost and               or storage device that               quired (imaged, similar to

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