Page 38 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 38
Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test
it is a sad sight. A large nals and escalate crime constitutional validity.
percentage of the trials, in and multiply criminals. Constitution is an umbrel-
heinous crime ultimately, la in which lot of rules,
end in acquittals. The of- In the UK, where one of norms are kept to regulate
ficial figure (1998) for the the accused was facing human behavior and for
acquittal is 93% whereas trial for eleventh mur- the welfare of the human
unofficial figure is even der of his own father this mankind as well as for
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above 96%. It is estimated time. He was acquitted in the upliftment of society.
that the prosecution agen- the previous ten murders. Today when our country
cy spends lakhs of rupees It shows the need of lie is in 21st century we must
in each trial. Thus, not detector test. The need for understand the validity of
only a dangerous crimi- the application of science polygraph or lie detector
nal goes scot-free but the in the dissemination of test to keep the faith of
huge amount of public justice is pressing. Many every individuals on court
money is also wasted. factors are responsible for of law and on court of jus-
These frequent acquittals the same, which will be tice. The main legal pro-
also embolden the crimi- included in this essay after visions which govern the