Page 42 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 42

Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test

        talking of his rights. Every  our people and sustain                      as “any harm whatever il-

        person must perform their  their lives then why not                       legally caused to any per-
        duties.  In Nandini Sath-            there be any constitutional  son in body, mind, reputa-
        pathy’s case involved facts  validity of lie detector                     tion or property”(sec44).

        very similar to the present  test. There must be article  Inflicting hurt (sec 323),
        case.                                20 (3) but there is no loss          causing hurt to extort

                                             in using lie detector test           incriminating information
        The petitioner (a former)            depending upon the grav-             (sec 330), causing hurt by
        Chief minister of Orissa)            ity of facts of the cases. If  a substance harmful to the

        had complained that she              the criminals are not do-            body (324) or administer-
        was being prosecuted                 ing their duty why should  ing any stupefying, intoxi-

        for her refusal to answer            they get any right? It can           cation or unwholesome
        police questions about a             be difficult but to bring            drug (sec 328) are offenc-
        corruption case lodged               peace, to check security of  es punishable by impris-

        against her. She claimed             a nation there should be             onment from between one
        that her assertion of si-            use of scientific evidence.          to ten years.

        lence and refusal to an-
        swer questions was well              There is another aspect              Therefore, causing even
        within her rights under              of the division bench’s              “minimal bodily harm”

        article 20(3) and section            judgement, which is a                through the compelled
        161(2) CrPC prosecut-                matter of concern. It held           administration of a nar-

        ing her for silence, she             that these tests involve             cotic is a serious offence
        argued amounted to com-              “minimal bodily harm.                further aggravated when
        pelling her to make self-            “This statement appears to  it is committed by police

        incriminating statements.            be unfounded and contrary  officers to extort incrimi-
        Here it depends upon the             to medical opinion and               nating information. It

        nature of corruption. If             practice. Subsequent stud- denudes the right to si-
        the lady has committed               ies have vindicated this             lence of all significance
        simple mistake or not a              view; infliction of bodily           and strips the right against

        heavy corruption, then its           harm is an offence and               forced self-incrimination
        ok otherwise why there               even if minimal, is pun-             of all meaning. It also

        shouldn’t be any scientific  ishable by three months’                     empowers the police to
        use like lie detector test if  imprisonment (section 352  commit illegal acts and
        any person is committing             IPC). Hurt is defined as             exempts them from the

        heinous act. We know our  any pain, disease or infir-                     rule of law.
        politicians; they can ruin           mity. “Injury “is defined in

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