Page 39 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 39

Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test

        expert evidence (LIE DE-             forced to give fingerprints,  1961(2) cri LJ 856 (sc).

        TECTOR TEST), are in                 footprints, photographs,             Threatened with being
        Indian constitution, Indian  measurements, handwrit-                      forcibly subjected to the
        evidence Act; 1872, Code  ing, etc. The constitutional  lie detector tests by the

        of Criminal Procedure;               bench of the Supreme                 police, certain persons pe-
        1973 and Identification of  Court has solved the prob- titioned the Bombay High

        prisoners Act.                       lems since through a land- Court to declare such

                                                                                                Photo Courtesy of

        The main provision in                mark decision. It held that  methods illegal and viola-
        the Indian Constitution              the above type of clue ma- tion of their fundamental
        is the Article 20 (3). It            terials become evidence              rights. The right against

        states, “No person ac-               only after their evaluation.  forced self-incrimination,
        cused of an offence can              And the evaluation instead  widely known as right

        be compelled to be a wit-            of helping the prosecu-              to silence is enshrined in
        ness against himself”.               tion may help the accused.  article 20(3) of the Indian
        The problem, which arose  It can be seen by reading                       constitution as well as in

        from the enactment, was              the facts of the case state          the Criminal Procedure
        legion. Could a person be  of Bombay v Kathi Kalu,                        Code. It has its equiva-

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