Page 37 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 37
Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test
link between the crimes, human rights but also fail However, in India, we do
the time of occurrence. to produce positive results not seem to realize how
The important materials, most of the time. There vast is the potential of
therefore, form the vari- has to be something that lie detector science, have
ous chapters of the book. is available; objective, been far less than success-
In addition, the place of and hence not prove to the ful in developing a tem-
occurrence being the most whims of the witnesses. perament in our police to
important source of ma- The answer is provided apply scientifically viable
terials has also been dis- as science as by scien- evidence, pain staking be-
cussed. tific evidence (lie detector gotten after long arduous
test) is more or less ex- hours in the court room.
For as long as human be- act far more reliable and
ings have deceived one does not turn hostile un- It is frequently suggested
another, people have tried der threats. Lie detection that the polygraphs or the
to develop techniques for took on aspects of modern lie detector test works
detecting deception and science with the develop- because of the fear of of-
finding truth. In today’s ment in the 20th century fenders of being found
world, the scenario of jus- of techniques intended for to be lying. Polygraph or
tice, the traditional sourc- the psycho physiological lie detector has a variety
es of proof, eyewitnesses deception, most promi- of uses. First of all it can
account, confessions have nently polygraph testing. identify the guilty people,
gone awry. The trials take The polygraph testing or second is it can establish
just too long to keep the instrumental measures the truth of statements
witnesses from turning several physiological made by witnesses or
hostile and criminals are processes (ex. heart rate) informants. Third is it can
turning cleverer and more and changes in these pro- eliminate suspects. Fourth
scientific. It is important cesses. From the charts is it can save money by
that the prosecution agen- of those measures in re- shortening investigations.
cies rely on something sponse to questions on a There is urgent and wide
more authentic, more con- polygraph test, sometimes spread need for the appli-
crete and more productive aided by observations cation of forensic science
in terms of convictions during the polygraph ex- in the criminal justice
without the police hav- amination examiners in- delivery system. The pres-
ing to resort to the third fer a psychological state, ent day scenario of crime
degree methods that not namely, whether a person investigation and prosecu-
only violates fundamental is telling the truth or lying. tion of criminals, in India