Page 41 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 41

Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test

        incriminate himself. In the  considered this provision.

        CrPC, the legislature has                                                 Moreover, by then the in-
        guarded a citizen’s right            This notwithstanding, it             formation, even if untrue,
        against self-incrimination.  is respectfully submitted                    is in the public domain,

        Section 161(2) states that           that a judicial order can-           your personal liberty and
        every person is bound to             not take away what has               privacy have been vio-

        answer truthfully all ques- so unequivocally been                         lated, your body has been
        tions...put to him by (a             given by parliament and              injected with narcotics
        police) officer, other than          the constitution. But the            and information has been

        questions the answers to             question arises here that            forcibly extracted from

                                                                                                Photo Courtesy of
        which would have a ten-              why should our parliament  you. This is true but it

        dency to expose that per-            and constitution give right  should be in law but is
        son to a criminal charge,            to those persons who are             should be used depends

        penalty or forfeiture.               violating peace and order.  upon the gravity of crime.
        Evidently, it has been left          Those persons who are                If a person is lying and
        to the person being inter-           rapists, murder, barbaric            he has committed mur-

        rogated to decide whether  act in criminal nature...                      der or any heinous act or
        the answer to a question             why should they get any              against the security of a

        would be self-incriminat-            right and why there should  country why there should
        ing and, if so, to withhold  not be lie detector test on                  not be these tests? If any
        that answer and keep si-             them and why polygraphs  person is committing any-

        lent. It would appear that           should not be valid in IN-           thing against the peace of
        the learned judge has not            DIAN scenario.                       country there is no gain of

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