Page 46 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 46

Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test

        Kakkar said that before              stitution but we should              is necessary. First the evi-

        we put a person to the lie           understand the value of it           dence can turn the tables.
        detector test, we almost al- and grant this method to                     A suspected criminal may
        ways know where he is ly- speed up the criminal jus-                      prove to be an innocent

        ing. The lie detector test is  tice system of our society.  person or vice versa. Sec-
        meant to be a confirmation  Now we will evaluate our  ond, most of the lawyers

        of these doubts. When we  Court and its systems. The  on both sides feel shy
        frame the questions, with            attitudes of the courts vary  of evidence. They may
        the help of psychologists,           tremendously.                        fail to properly present

        we keep this in mind.                                                     or critically appraise the
                                             * Some courts under rate             evidence, which may lead

        In another case “A sub-              expert evidence. They feel  to the miscarriage of jus-
        inspector accused of kill-           that it is weak evidence.            tice. Third, a clever lawyer
        ing constable to take lie            *Some courts are hostile             may exploit the general

        detector test”. Accused of  towards the evidence.                         lack of knowledge to twist
        killing a woman constable  They feel that the expert                      the evidence to his advan-

        and booked under the Pro- assumes the functions of                        tage and misuse it.
        hibition Act, PSI Rakesh             the court. *Some courts
        Pathak of Kadi Town po-              fear the expert evidence.            Fourth, the prosecu-

        lice station took lie detec-         They feel they cannot                tion counsel is interested
        tor test. Director General           understand the evidence.             in the prosecution case

        of Police A K Bhargav                They either ignore the evi- only. He will expose only
        said we are conducting the  dence. They either ignore                     those aspects of evidence,
        lie detector test, as we do          the evidence or accept the  which are useful to the

        not want such instances to  ipse dixit of the expert.                     prosecution case and goes
        be repeated. All these cas-          *Some courts believe                 no farther. Fifth, the de-

        es can teach us that how             that the evidence is not             fense counsel, on the other
        much this test is important  their worry. The counsels                    hand, limits his probes to
        and can play an important  should understand the                          only those aspects, which

        role in the development of  argue about it. The court                     are beneficial to the de-
        the society and in control-          should decide the case on            fense case. In other words

        ling of peace and orders.            their arguments alone.               it means his efforts would
        One aspect can come that                                                  be to demolish the prose-
        certain people will say              Such attitudes are undesir- cution evidence. Thus it is

        that it is Violative of Ar-          able. The scrutiny of lie            the judge only who is in-
        ticle 21 of the Indian Con- detector test by the court                    terested in real justice. He

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