Page 51 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 51

Three Faces of Satanic Ritual Abuse

        cide, abducted and miss-             from 1986 to 1989 Dr.                abused in the study were
        ing children and family              Finkelhor devised and                actively victimized using

        violence. His verbalized             implemented a study in               elements of RA. Given the
        primary endeavor is to one  day care agencies nation-                     diversity and complexity

        day empirically validat-             wide. At the time, SRA               of RA and SRA, Dr. Fin-
        ing child sexual abuse is            was frequently covered by  kelhor and his colleagues
        widespread and painfully             national media, involved             moved to subdivide the

        affecting children from all  in court room battles, and  cases into three catego-
        parts of the globe.                  rampant throughout the               ries. Of the 13%, all had

                                             country and abroad. It               engaged in child abuse,
        Child Victimization (Ox-             was Dr. Finkelhor and his  but their profiles and mo-
        ford University Press,               colleagues who devised               tivations were somewhat

        2/6/08), is one of Dr. Fin-          a methodology to assess              different. He and his team
        kelhor’s greatest accom-             whether RA and SRA                   determined the perpetra-

        plishments as an author              were realistic criminal              tors modus operandi en-
        to date. In this treatise, he  events or dramatic hoax.                   tailed different themes.
        combines and integrates              Their research was funded

        his knowledge and expe-              by the National Center on  A. True cult-based ritual-
        riences in a conceptual              Child Abuse and Neglect              ism, B. Pseudo-ritualism,

        construct he coined De-              and results were pub-                and C. Psychological
        velopmental Victimology.  lished in the book Nursery  ritualism. Although his
        Under his concept of De-             Crimes: Sexual Abuse                 initial research query for

        velopmental Victimology,  in Day Care (Sage Pub-                          the national study was
        he incorporates all forms            lications, January 1988)             to determine if day care

        of childhood victimization  coauthored by Linda M.                        agencies were high risk
        into a unified analysis for          Williams Ph.D., and con-             environments for children,
        education, treatment, and            tributions by Nanci Burns. his results and categori-

        prevention professionals.                                                 zation of SRA/RA were
        A brief review of his cur-           In an executive summary              valuable. As an expert so-

        riculum vitae posted at the  of their findings, Dr. Fin-                  ciologist with impeccable
        University of New Hamp-              kelhor reported RA was               credentials, Dr. Finkelhor
        shire’s website exempli-             defined as abuse involv-             introduced to the SRA/

        fies his accomplishments             ing supernatural symbols,  RA industry three faces
        on child sexual abuse and  activities, and religious                      of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

        pediatric victimization.             themes. He estimated 13              Although criticized for his
        Regarding SRA and RA,                % of children found to be  data collection,

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