Page 56 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 56
Martin Bormann - A New Body of Evidence
is no evidence to sug- a very experienced foreign
Anyone that dares to raise gest such. In fact, there is editor of the Daily Ex-
any questions as to the more evidence to suggest press, who was hands on
true dynamics of Bor- foul play by the British involved with a thorough
mann’s disappearance and American intelligence Bormann investigation
and death, are discredited services, that Bormann did was sacked 6 days later
based only on the DNA escape and after his death after he was accused of
match which publishing a
confirm the re- ‘hoax’.
mains as being
Bormann. But If we now sus-
why are there pect, contrary
such conflict- to the official
ing stories version that
between the Kennedy was
official ver- certainly not
sion and the shot by a lone
version by gunman, why
those that have is it so hard
seriously in- to swallow
vestigated this that Bormann
strange case escaped with
for decades? the help of
Bormann’s British intel-
remains were Photo Courtesy of ligence. After
found in 1972, but did he in the late 1960’s his re- all, numerous Nazi of-
really die in 1945? And mains were carefully re- ficers who were partici-
what exactly is at stake buried in the place history pant in the brutal slavery
if the facts were proved likes to believe he fell. of concentration camp
that he died much later prisoners were snapped
than we are led to believe? On the publication of up by the USA after the
Even though his remains the 1998 Bormann DNA war, many of whom were
were found in 1972 in report, London’s Daily made post WWII heroes
Berlin, it does not mean Express called it a ‘white- in the American scientific
that his body had lain wash’. Later the author of community. Notorious
there since 1945 and there the article, Stewart Steven Nazi Klaus Barbie known