Page 61 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 61

Martin Bormann - A New Body of Evidence

        that Creighton was Des-              tling interview gives never  Dominican Republic gov-
        mond Morton’s Godson.                before revealed details              ernment and the German

                                             of various highly covert             arms factories in the Bra-
        This new evidence puts               British Naval intelligence  zilian jungle. In 1984 she
        in grave doubt spy writer            operations, including the            contacted the Simon Wi-

        Nigel West’s claims that             assassination of French              esenthal center after her
        Christopher Creighton is             Admiral Francois Dar-                adoptive father revealed

        a ‘’charlatan’’. There are           lan and the operation to             on his death bed that she
        also letters from James              remove Martin Bormann                was the daughter of ‘’one
        Bond author Ian Fleming              from Berlin.                         of Germany’s three great-

        to Creighton which tes-                                                   est men’’.
        tify to OPJB, the highly             In 2007 a lady whose

        covert operation as being            name cannot be revealed              Extremely distressed at
        fact and that he based his           at this time, came forward  this death bed revela-
        James Bond Character                 to investigators with a              tion and wondering who

        on Creighton’s covert                story that she had been              it could possibly be, she
        naval operations. How                born in a German clinic              with her attorney ap-

        did Fleming know? Be-                in Brazil. These five feet           proached the Simon Wi-
        cause according to veri-             two, blonde, green eyed              esenthal Centre for help.
        fied letters from Fleming            lady was found to be a               Within weeks her attorney

        to Creighton, Fleming                well-balanced, well-ed-              was anonymously threat-
        was not only part of the             ucated and discreet and              ened with his life and he

        operation while he was a             trustworthy member of                immediately dropped her
        Royal Naval commander                her community, a far cry             representation after the
        under the command of                 from a publicity seeking             SWC aggressively told

        Desmond Morton for the               delusional self-promoter.            him that they were not
        British secret service, but          Her adoptive father was              able to help and would not

        he was the commander                 a senior naval officer for           investigate due to ‘’lack
        in charge of the rescue. A           the Santa Dominican re-              of funds’’. An unusual
        British factual film com-            publican dictator Trujillo.  response from a wealthy

        pany, Christopher Robin              She claims her adoptive              organization that’s main
        Media Ltd, have in their             father was entrusted with            objective has been to track

        possession an unpublished  her in 1953 the year of                        down Nazi war criminals.
        2013 interview of Creigh-            her birth, after he was in           Even Simon Wiesenthal
        ton recorded only weeks              Brazil negotiating arms              himself believed till his

        before his death. The star-          deals between the Santa              death in 2005, a full 7

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