Page 62 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 62

Martin Bormann - A New Body of Evidence

        years after the 1998 DNA  vestigators believe Bor-                        has Bormann DNA have

        analysis that Bormann es-            mann was in Brazil with              failed. Even if one did
        caped and was frequently             Dr Joseph Mengele in the  access the DNA in the
        outspoken against the of-            1952. Recent photos of               Files held by the various

        ficial version. It is shock-         her son show an uncanny              agencies, who is to know
        ing and detrimental to               similarity of her son with           whether the DNA profiles

        Wiesenthal’s memory, that  Martin Bormann’s eldest                        held in the official files
        those that now head the              son Adolf. Access to the             are indeed those of Martin
        very organization founded  true DNA of Bormann is                         Bormann? If Bormann did

        in his name have ob-                 now vital to make a com-             indeed escape, those that
        structed investigations and  parison.                                     covered it up are going to

        ridicule others that believe                                              go to enormous lengths
        what Wiesenthal believed,  The British investigator                       to hide any incriminat-
        Bormann escaped.                     of this case contacted the           ing evidence. Bonafide

                                             SWC in 2010 to request               DNA profiles of Bormann
        Those currently investi-             access to the file held by           would be the last thing

        gating the story feel that if  them on Martin Bormann.  they would leave hanging
        Bormann did escape, then  The investigator was                            around. The investigator
        the adopted woman may                stalled and the SWC re-              leading this case is are

        very well be the daugh-              fused to help by giving her  now seeking genuine close
        ter of Martin Bormann,               access to the files. Rather          Martin Bormann blood

        not only because of the              like the famous Anna An-             relatives to come forward,
        mysterious dynamics sur-             derson and Russian Grand  to not only cross match
        rounding her birth, but              Duchess Anastasia case,              with the woman, but also

        photos of her, the officials  all efforts to access infor-                to cross match with the
        involved, the timing of              mation on official files to          DNA profiles supposedly

        her birth and the fact in-           see if this adopted woman  used to identify Bormann

                                                                                                Photo Courtesy of
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