Page 65 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 65
Finger Print Recognition Process and Parameters
are abstractions of instanc- recognition to recognition state, in which case we
es of objects in a popu- of the objects. Such pro- say the machine accepts
lation of non-identical cessing detects subtle dif- the sentences; or it may
objects. The associations ferences in the modulation be in any other state, in
between patterns and their of the signals to perform which case we say that
causes are the bricks from recognition. A pattern will the machine rejects the
which the wall of scien- be taken to be primitive sentence. If the machine
tific knowledge is built. here in that we agree on accepts a sentence, then it
its meaning without be- classifies it as belonging
Recognition Versus ing required to define it. to the class that the ma-
Classification When it is determined that chine recognizes.
an object from a popula-
Humans recognize the tion P belongs to a known Fundamentals
familiar faces in a crowd, subpopulation S, we say
characters and words on that pattern recognition is Information processing
the printed page, the dif- done. The recognition of has always been under
ferent types of voices, an individual object as a study through the his-
favorite melodies, the unique singleton class is tory of science. Recently
scent of perfumes and called identification. Clas- pictorial information
fruits, pattern of weave in sification is the process of processing has become
cloth, the shape of leaves, grouping objects together increasingly important.
contextual meaning in into classes according to The availability of digital
word phrases, and so their perceived likeness or computers and massive
forth. Other mammals are similarities. The subject amount of pictorial data
also excellent recogniz- area of pattern recognition in all fields has made pic-
ers. The senses preprocess includes both classifica- ture processing one of the
signals such as sound or tion and recognition and major topics of current
light waves that have been belongs to the broader research. Formal lan-
modulated-that is, trans- field of machine intelli- guage theory, which has
formed in some fashion by gence-that is, the study an inherently hierarchical
interaction with an object of how to make machines structure, seems to be suit-
that impressed informa- learn and reason to make able for picture analysis.
tion on them. The prepro- decision, as do humans.
cessed-modulated signals After having read in an Biometrics and Basics of
are then mapped into a entire sentence, the ma- Fingerprint
decision that equates to chine may be in a final