Page 66 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 66
Finger Print Recognition Process and Parameters
Till date the research as one of promising ap- a pattern area of loops and
conducted in automatic proaches for picture pro- whorls can be easily de-
fingerprint processing, cessing was proposed. fined while it is difficult,
concentrated on descrip- and sometimes impos-
tion of fingerprint impres- Dermatoglyphic sible, to define arches.
sions by determining the
location of ridge endings, Dermatoglyphic is an Type line
bifurcations, enclosures interesting field in anthro-
etc. Some of the research- pology. Usually Dermato- Two inner most ridges
ers attempted to use opti- glyphic analyses the total confining the pattern area
cal techniques in finger- palm area and it is taken are called type lines. The
print classification. But for comparison in different type lines must start paral-
the drawbacks are noise individuals. The analysts lel, diverge and surround,
and the requirement of usually considered one or at least tend to sur-
numerous matching filters. area labeled thenar/first round, the pattern area.
At Cornell Aeronautical interdigital area. There The immediate outside
Laboratory (CAL) in addi- are also second, third and ridges are taken as the
tion to fingerprint reader, fourth interdigital areas continuation of type lines.
minutiae location and found in the distal palm
ridge direction i.e. mainly in the region of the heads Bifurcation: Dividing of
pattern matching is con- of metacarpal bones. Con- a ridge into two or more
centrated. There was also figurations encountered in ridges are defined as bifur-
another proposal with the the interdigital areas are cation.
use of a sampling matrix loops, whorls, vestiges
where each sample square and open files. To get full Divergence: The spread-
contains the direction of understanding of finger- ing apart of two parallel or
the predominant slope of print patterns, the defini- nearly parallel ridges are
the ridges passing decid- tion some technical terms known as divergence.
ing whether or not any is in order.
two patterns are same Focal points:
through it. Later technique Pattern Area
for smoothing the sam- Core and delta, two ele-
pling matrix and extract- The area of fingerprints ments in the pattern, are
ing the global structure of containing the cores, del- used for classification and
patterns was introduced. tas and the ridges is called are called focal points.
Then syntactic approach a pattern area. Generally,