Page 71 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 71

The Validity of Eyewitness Accounts - What You See is What You Think!

        as an investigative tool.            was not valid. Further-              on the opposing side.

                                             more, he stated that the             This “expert” must go
        Still until 1987 there was           interview was conducted              up against corroborating
        no consistency among                 without undue suggestibil- evidence to the contrary.

        state courts nationwide.             ity and that the testimony           According to Dr. Martin
        Courts normally used the             had been corroborated by             Reiser of the LAPD Be-

        Frye Test to avoid accept-           other evidence. Gener-               havior Science Services
        ing such testimony. That             ally, the Rock ruling and            unit, a study hypnotically
        year the U.S. Supreme                subsequent case law states  refreshed memory showed

        Court ruled in the Rock              that hypnosis interviews             that 80% of the cases in
        case that the Arkansas               do not necessarily create a  which this technique was

        Supreme Court was wrong  greater risk of confabula-                       used provided new infor-
        for excluding hypnoti-               tions than other types of            mation which led to either
                                                    interviews and inter-         a conviction or opened up

                                                    rogation.                     substantially new avenues
                                                                                  for investigation.

                                                    Currently every
                                                    state in the U.S. ac-         Of course, I take great
                                                    cepts hypnotically            exception to David My-

                                                    refreshed memories            ers psychology textbook,
                                                    provided that the in-         which states that forensic

                                                    terview is conducted  hypnosis is out of favor.
        cally refreshed testimony            by a trained investigator,           Based upon the informa-
        as their action “infringed           who is careful to avoid              tion that I’ve presented

        on criminal defendant’s              any techniques which                 here (and extensive re-
        right to testify on her own  may create a condition of                    search that I have con-

        behalf.” Specifically, they  suggestibility. Such inter-                  ducted) Myers is totally
        cited that such testimony            views must be video re-              incorrect in his statements.
        has the support of the               corded, “head to foot” and  Last week I had breakfast

        Fourteenth Amendment,                “hello to good bye.” Rules  with Marx Howell while
        the Sixth Amendment,                 are clearly laid out in post  I was at a conference in

        and the Fifth Amendment.  Rock case law and even in  Newport Beach, CA. A re-
        In the majority opinion,             a Texas statute. Generally,  tired Texas Ranger, a stu-
        Justice Blackmon stated              the role of the psycholo-            dent of Dr. Reiser, and the

        the Arkansas per se rul-             gist has been relegated to           head investigator handling
        ing against such testimony  being the “expert witness”  the Branch Davidian mas-

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