Page 67 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 67
Finger Print Recognition Process and Parameters
Delta: tion and another type of arches do not have any
delta, the delta on the bi- cores.
The point on or in front furcation should be select-
of the ridge closes to the ed. When there are several Ridge count:
divergence center of the possible delta points sat-
type-lines is defined as isfying the definition, the The number of ridges
delta point. Delta could point closest to the core is intervening between the
be any element such as a selected. No delta may be delta and the core is called
dot, a short ridge, a bifur- located in the middle of a ridge count.
cation, the end of a ridge, ridge running between the
and the intersection of two type lines toward the core. Conclusion
ridges. It may be located at the
nearest end of the ridge Thus, the research on Fin-
Following rules are used only. ger Print is very interest-
in selecting the delta in ing and here in this article
the case of several pos- Core we have discussed what
sible choices: The delta is recognition and clas-
may only be located at a The core, which is ap- sification, what are all the
bifurcation whenever the proximately the center of parameters for matching
bifurcation opens towards loop fingerprints, is locat- the finger prints, that is
the core. When there is a ed within or on the inner the fundamentals of finger
choice between a bifurca- most recurve. Whorls and print recognition.