Page 63 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 63

Martin Bormann - A New Body of Evidence

        in 1998 and those held in            of which were Nazi’s                 dler, Martin Bormann sur-

        official and public files.           and a DNA match to a                 vived, will redeem many
        Of course, if this woman             skeleton found in 1972.              damaged reputations and
        does have Bormann DNA  DNA may prove that the                             will certainly bury the

        and being born in a Ger-             remains are those of Bor-            myth and cause many a
        man clinic in Brazil in              mann, but there is more              red face in the high-end

        1953, it will once and for           evidence to prove that he            academic ‘’history’’ com-
        all put to bed the mys-              was alive for at least 25            munity. But more impor-
        tery and will vindicate all          years after 1945. 25 years,  tantly, it will open a very

        those that have sacrificed           in which he could have               nasty can of worms and
        much to reveal what they             managed the vast Nazi                raise many more compli-

        believed to be the truth.            wealth, including cash,              cated and embarrassing
        Could that truth be that             gold, stocks, bonds, shares  questions to those agen-
        Martin Bormann escaped               and priceless works of               cies and governments

        and went on to manage the  art. After all, with all the                   that will have knowingly
        vast funds accumulated               modern banking forensics  perpetrated the Bormann

        by Nazi Germany with                 available to date, not one           death myth for the past 70
        the help of Britain and              single intelligence agency  years.
        the USA? And according               or government claims that

        to recent research, those            the vast, fat, booty has             The main investigator of
        vast funds were probably             been found! Or has it?               the Martin Bormann case

        laundered through and in-            Yet it has been officially           is now actively seeking
        vested into over 750 inter- written, printed, signed                      and appealing for genuine
        national companies with              sealed and delivered, even  close Martin Bormann

        or without Bormann.                  into our children’s history  blood relatives to come
                                             lessons. Martin Bormann              forward, to not only cross

        Since 1972, ‘official’               died in 1945 de-facto, the  match with the woman
        historians and academ-               loot disappeared and any-            born in 1953 and believed
        ics have spun their tales            one that tells you different  to be Martin Bormann’s

        and told the world that              is a deluded ‘conspiracy             daughter, but also to cross
        Bormann certainly died               theorist’.                           match with the DNA pro-

        near the Lehrter station                                                  files supposedly used to
        in the early hours of May            Proving once and for all             identify Bormann in 1998
        2 1945. This oral history            with new testimony, docu- and those held in official

        is based on no more than             mentation and forensic               and public files.
        unreliable witnesses, two            science that Hitler’s han-

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