Page 58 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 58

Martin Bormann - A New Body of Evidence

        The Guardian, Thomas’s               to in his last years. Those          him on the ground in Bue-

        ‘’scalpel-sharp eye for              last year’s being as late as  nos Aires to witness and
        detail’’ and second inves-           1969. Reinhardt Gehlen               document the authentica-
        tigative work Hess: A Tale  former senior Nazi, Cold                      tion of such.

        of Two Murders, ‘’precipi- war spymaster and head
        tated a six-month Scotland  of the West German in-                        The formidable 1972

        Yard inquiry that saw its            telligence network, also             Buenos Aires team with
        report immediately sup-              claimed that Bormann                 Farago included former
        pressed.”                            escaped to South America  intelligence operative and

                                             and died in Paraguay.                practicing New York at-
        Thomas confirms that the                                                  torney Joel Weinberg,

        original Bormann medical  But probably some of                            Stewart Steven the For-
        reports in 1972 released             the most disturbing work             eign Editor of the London
        only some and not all the            comes from Ladislas                  Daily Express and four

        information found under              Farago. In 1974, Farago a  top Argentine attorneys;
        the microscope. While it             brilliant military historian,  Dr. Guillermo Macia Ray,

        is true the dentistry of the  WWII war correspondent                      Dr. Jaime Joaquin Rodri-
        skull found was identified  and former civilian na-                       guez, Dr. Silvio Frondizi
        as Bormann, the official             val intelligence officer,            the brother of the former

        report failed to reveal to           published ‘Aftermath:                President of Argentina
        the public that there was            Martin Bormann and the               and Horacio A. Perillo,

        dentistry performed in the  Fourth Reich.’ Farago,                        the former legal aid to
        skull, which could only              after a long and painstak-           the Argentine President
        have been done in the                ing investigation on the             Frondizi. Farago and his

        1950’s due to the technol-           ground in South Amer-                teams’ conclusion were
        ogy used. A man that died  ica, much of which was                         that Martin Bormann cer-

        in 1945 is certainly not             spent accessing classified           tainly escaped Europe
        going to go to the dentist           Argentine intelligence               in 1945 with the help of
        in 1950. Also, the skull             documents, presented his             the allies and went on to

        ‘’found’’ in Berlin was              evidence including cop-              South America where he
        encased in a ‘red clay’              ies of said documents in             survived for many years,

        type earth, exotic to Ger-           his book. Not only did               many of which in Argen-
        many but local to a place            Farago examine and get               tina. Even though Farago
        in Paraguay, the very                the classified documents             and his team were highly

        place that many investiga- he accessed authenticated,  qualified to make an intel-
        tors have traced Bormann  he called in a team to join  ligent and thorough analy-

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