Page 53 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 53

Three Faces of Satanic Ritual Abuse

        gratification, this segment  tial for children attending                  can Board of Psychologi-
        of ritual abuse perpetrators  day care agencies, he and                   cal Specialties and Certi-

        are engaged in a severe              his team became part of              fied Forensic Consultant,
        psychiatric illness(s) fuel-         the enormous controversy  C.F.C., designation from

        ing their distorted motiva-          fostered the supporters              the American College of
        tions to abuse children.             and detractors of whether            Forensic Examiners In-
                                             SRA and RA were con-                 stitute. Dr. Nuccitelli is a

        Although not as socio-               temporary forms of vic-              New York State resident
        pathic as the other two              timization.                          residing in the Hudson

        groups, these individuals                                                 Valley 70 miles North of
        are still just as danger-            Almost 25 years have                 Manhattan.
        ous, volatile, and highly            passed since he and his

        unpredictable. Accord-               colleagues began investi-            Dr. Nuccitelli has many
        ing to Dr. Finkelhor, he             gating child sexual abuse            career and academic ex-

        surmised their psychiatric  and risk potential at day                     periences. His areas of
        disabilities were either             care agencies. Despite               expertise include forensic
        dictated by an obsessive-            the passage of time, his             psychology, human sexu-

        compulsive condition and/ extrapolation of the three                      ality, heath/fitness, and
        or a thought disordered              faces of Satanic Ritual              psychiatric/psychological

        delusional process.                  Abuse still to this day re-          issues. He also is an avid
                                             mains as relevant as ever.           follower of current news
        The three faces of Satanic                                                and enjoys interfacing

        Ritual Abuse conceptu-               Dr. Michael Nuccitelli is            with the media regarding
        alized by Dr. Finkelhor              a New York State licensed  national news. Dr. Nuc-

        created a brief moment               psychologist and certified  citelli can be reached at
        of clarity for some ex-              forensic consultant. He              845-592-0120 via email at
        perts working in the field           completed his doctoral de- drnucc@darkpsychology.

        attempting to grasp the              gree in clinical psycholo-           co or his forensics blog,
        mind and motivations of              gy in 1994 from the Adler  Dark Psychology, at http://

        the adult predator. Al-              School in Chicago, Illi-   
        though his initial query             nois. In 2006, he received
        was to assess risk poten-            a Diplomat by the Ameri-

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