Page 55 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 55

Martin Bormann - A New Body of Evidence

        ries still fresh and the             subjected to a DNA fo-               after the legal medical

        ground still soft. Any such  rensic study by the West                     team matched blood from
        corpses although decom-              German prosecutor. The               a Bormann relative, the
        posed, would have cer-               reason for this new 1998             match was positive.

        tainly been on, or near the  investigation was that in
        surface and easily identifi- 1996 Christopher Creigh-                     A confirmation of the re-

        able with the minimum of  ton, aka John Ainsworth-                        mains being those of Bor-
        forensics; but not as much  Davis a former British                        mann was released to the
        as a scrap of flesh was              Naval Intelligence agent             world’s press, along with

        found of either man. At              and member of the covert  the statement that Martin
        least they had some dis-             British group C.O.P.P                Bormann had certainly

        putable charred remains              (Combined Operations                 died in 1945 at the site his
        of Hitler, but the bodies of  Pilotage Parties) had pub-                  remains were found.
        Bormann and Stumpfeg-                lished a book, OPJB (Op-             Due to the 1998 DNA

        ger had literally vanished           eration James Bond). In              confirmation of the Skel-
        into thin air, along with            the book, Creighton using  eton, Modern historians

        the Nazi loot.                       a pseudonym claims that              teach their students that
                                             along with Ian Fleming,              stories of Bormann escap-
        But after construction               he was instructed by Win-            ing to South America are

        workers came across hu-              ston Churchill and Des-              false, nothing more than
        man remains near the                 mond Morton the head of              the rantings of conspiracy

        Lehrter station in Berlin            Secret British intelligence  theorists and madmen.
        in 1972, the world’s press  section V to rescue Martin  Investigative journalists
        gathered to hear if this             Bormann from a burn-                 and even former intel-

        was indeed Bormann.                  ing Berlin in May 1945.              ligence agents have been
        Bormann’s Nazi dentist               The book, passed off as a            continually slandered after

        Dr Hugo Blaschke was                 novel to protect Creigh-             they have released infor-
        called and he recalled               ton from serious breach              mation to the contrary,
        from memory his former               consequences of the Of-              that there has been a cover

        patient’s dental physiol-            ficial Secrets Act unsettled  up by the western allies,
        ogy and gave testimony               the German government                that not only did Bormann

        that they were one and               so much that a thorough              escape, but his escape was
        the same, the case was               forensics and DNA in-                orchestrated by the British
        closed. It was not until             vestigation was carried              intelligence services with

        1998 that due to modern              out on the remains. The              the support of the United
        science the remains were             forensic results came back  States government.

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