Page 59 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 59

Martin Bormann - A New Body of Evidence

                                                                                                Photo Courtesy of
        sis and investigation on             Bormann death myth in                mann investigation is
        the documents made avail- force and such suppres-                         far from a cold case, as

        able to them, Farago’s               sion of evidence continues  a new generation of in-
        publication was ignored              to this day.                         vestigative journalists
        and serious attempts were                                                 have reopened the dusty

        made to discredit him                But not everyone ignored             Bormann files and have
        and the other members of             Farago’s book. The con-              enthusiastically picked up

        the team. Precedence had             tent and evidence pro-               from where their prede-
        been set, when it came to            duced by Farrago was so              cessors departed. Recent
        stating or even suggesting  compelling that it attracted  research reveals that the

        Bormann had survived,                the attention of Dr. Robert  Federal police archives in
        even experts like Farago,            M.W. Kempner, a former               Argentina show that the

        who was also the world’s             Nuremberg trial attorney             FBI were sending agents
        leading expert on pro-               who decided to reopen                to Argentina to follow the
        paganda and clandestine              the Bormann investiga-               Bormann case and his fi-

        psychological forms of               tion, based on Farago’s              nancial trails well into the
        espionage at the time, was  documentary evidence of                       1980’s. New elderly wit-

        not safe from character              survival.                            nesses, who till recently
        assassination, ridicule and                                               refused to talk have also
        criticism. It is blatant there  Farago, Manning, Thomas  come forward in the past

        were those that were de-             and Kempner, are sadly               3 years and startling new
        termined to keep the 1945  long gone, but the Bor-                        evidence has come to light

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