Page 60 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 60
Martin Bormann - A New Body of Evidence
that cannot be ignored and escorted him to various in the classified Federal
may very well lead to the meetings in Argentina. police archives that Bor-
undisputable discovery mann was certainly living
that Bormann did escape This highly credible wit- in Argentina in the 50’s
and lived for many years ness also tells us that Bor- and that the CIA were in
in South America with the mann had been installed in Argentina keeping close
protection of the allies. a famous luxury hotel in tabs on Bormann’s South
Buenos Aires throughout American movements as
One important witness is 1953 which was owned by late as 1967.
a former military ADC to Germans. The ADC also
Argentine General Juan testifies that he was sent The most controversy sur-
Peron. This high ranking on a weekly basis to col- rounds the author of the
internationally decorated lect the Bormann bill from 1996 book OPJB. Chris-
military officer had been the hotel concierge which topher Creighton writes
the ADC to 7 Argentine he was instructed to take that he was instructed by
presidents, a close person- directly to Peron, who Lord Louis Mountbatten
al friend of Chilean Presi- paid the bill from his per- and Winston Churchill to
dent Pinochet and was sonal bank accounts. This reveal the truth of all the
the sub chief of the tough man asked for nothing in ops in which he was par-
Argentine Federal secret exchange for his testimo- ticipant, 25 years after the
police and prominently in- ny, all he requested was death of both. According
volved in the dismantling that the truth be finally to Creighton, OPJB is not
of the Argentine narcotics known after his death. The only the title of the book,
traffic in the 1990’s. His official died in 2012 and but the operational code
taped testimony given in his testimony is now ready name given to the plan
2010 on the premise that it for publication. to rescue Bormann from
could only be revealed af- Berlin. Documents have
ter his death to protect his Another recent elderly been seen and recently
family is that he met Mar- witness with ties to the photographed which were
tin Bormann frequently in FBI and CIA, is a for- written to Creighton from
Buenos Aires in late 1952 mer Naval Captain who Lord Louis Mountbat-
and till the end of 1953. oversaw the security for ten in 1976 which prove
He also testifies that on the port of Buenos Aires. Creighton was not only
the instructions of Peron, He tells us that not only certainly working for Brit-
he organized the personal was it common knowl- ish Naval intelligence at
security for Bormann and edge, but it is documented the very highest level, but