Page 57 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 57

Martin Bormann - A New Body of Evidence

        as the ‘Butcher of Lyon’             lieve that the allies would  British Intel officer and
        was tried at Nuremberg               rescue Martin Bormann,               author of OPJB. Chris-

        and sentenced to death in            the man with access to the  topher Creighton states
        absentia. Yet it is docu-            hidden Nazi funds?                   that Bormann escaped, as

        mented that Barbie was                                                    does Former WWII Brit-
        protected and formally               Between 1945 and 1965                ish army General and war
        employed in 1947 by the              there were numerous                  crimes investigator, Ian

        U.S Army Counterintel-               sightings of Bormann.                Bell. Bell can be seen on
        ligence Corps (CIC) and              Bormann’s former person- YouTube telling us that he

        later by the CIA to set up           al chauffeur, Jakob Glas,            saw Bormann being taken
        the Western Intelligence             said that he had seen Bor-           to a ship in Genoa and
        Network to keep tabs on              mann in Munich months                when he radioed back to

        communist threat. This               after May 1945 as did                his HQ command, he was
        was a major and shock-               many others.Paul Man-                told to follow but ‘’do not

        ing betrayal by the USA              ning, author, intelligence           apprehend’’.
        as to the allied Nuremberg  expert and former war
        trial sentencing of Barbie.  correspondent claimed                        Contrary to the survival

        When the French govern-              along with others that               story being told by those
        ment discovered that the             Bormann escaped. When                considered ‘’crazy con-

        USA were protecting Bar-             Manning tried to publish             spiracy theorists’’, there
        bie, they requested he be            his extensively researched  are many highly qualified
        immediately handed over              1981 book ‘Martin Bor-               and well-versed investi-

        for execution under in-              mann Nazi in exile’, he              gators and former intel-
        ternational law. The USA             was menacingly threat-               ligence agents that tell

        flatly refused and conse-            ened. After finally get-             us the story we teach our
        quently gave Barbie a new  ting a renegade publisher                      children at school is just
        identity and shipped him             to agree to publish his              that, a story. Hugh Thom-

        off to Bolivia. If the USA           work, within two weeks               as, surgeon, international
        could blatantly fly in the           the publisher had his legs           forensic expert and author

        face of the International            broken in a vicious and              of the 1995 book Dop-
        Nuremberg trials death               anonymous attack and                 pelgängers wrote exten-
        sentence which they were  shortly after Manning’s                         sively about the Bormann

        actively participant in by           son was mysteriously                 forensics investigation
        protecting a psychopathic  murdered. In fact, Man-                        that suggest Bormann died

        killer such as Barbie, why  ning’s story is very much                     later than 1945. According
        is it so unacceptable to be- in line with the former                      to Jonathan Glancey of

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