Page 50 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 50
Forensic News Journal
Three Faces of Satanic Ritual Abuse, pg 50-53
©2014-2018 SYT Global, Inc.
Three Faces of
Ritual Abuse
By Michael Nuccitelli, Psy. D.
Photo Courtesy of
Satanic Ritual Abuse health experts, and social child sexual abuse as close
(hereafter “SRA”) en- scientists debunk many of to pure evil as the human
compasses an array of these claims espoused by condition permits.
definitions continuing to devotees of SRA episodes.
be highly controversial The remaining experts and One of the most prolific
in scope, etiology, and SRA investigators share and astute investigators
reality vs. distortion. The theories combining the on child sexual abuse,
controversy is fueled by two camps into their own RA, child victimization,
two camps differing in interpretations. and SRA is David Finkel-
interpretation with smaller hor Ph.D. Dr. Finkelhor
contingents somewhere in Although these two camps is Professor of Sociol-
between. On one end are vehemently disagree on ogy at the University of
supporters of the existence the etiology and existence New Hampshire. In addi-
of SRA evidenced by their of SRA, all concur preda- tion to educating young
reports of past abuse as tors exist which actively minds, he is director of the
survivors and documented prey on children for sexu- Crimes Against Children
sexual crimes against chil- al and/or distorted beliefs. Research Center, an ad-
dren. 99.9% of SRA dynamics ministrator for the Family
are hotly debated, but the Research Laboratory, and
Those who subscribe to population of victims be- author and/or contributor
contemporary SRA be- ing children, women, and to countless books, journal
lieve this phenomenon animals are never disput- articles, and investigative
includes both genuine and ed. SRA & Ritual Abuse studies. Since earning his
intimidation based staged (hereafter “RA”) survi- doctoral degree in 1977,
satanic worship. On the vors, involved loved ones, Dr. Finkelhor has focused
other end of the spectrum supportive experts, and his brilliance on child
law enforcement profes- supporting survivor advo- victimization, child sexual
sionals, academics, mental cates identify this form of abuse, pediatric homi-