Page 47 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 47
Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test
foul smell.
The technical knowledge
of an average person has
increased tremendously in
recent years. The crimi-
nal is using science. The
investigating officer there-
fore needs scientific meth-
ods to combat the modern
scientific criminal and the
Photo Courtesy of answer is lie detector test.
should, therefore ascertain (lie detector test) we can It can help in the criminal
the facts, assimilate them combine the thesis of system of India and give
and utilize them in the dis- above arguments and can upper hand in the devel-
semination of justice. The say that the gravity of opment of the society. If
newer generation of the crimes has been changed. we do not adopt lie detec-
judges should especially The reasons are the quick tor test or other scientific
be aware of their responsi- means of transport and the evidence it will be easy to
bilities in this regard as in high density of population say that we are giving way
the future the expert evi- in cities have facilitated to criminal to run away.
dence will play more de- the escape from punish- The time has come when
cisive role. It will be used ment after the commission we should become smart
more frequently, almost of crime. The criminal can and court grants the valid-
in all cases. The scientific hide himself easily these ity of polygraphs. It’s true
methods in the detection days. The individual is be- that there can be misuse
of the crime are daily coming self-centered. He of it, but every coin has
improving and are becom- especially in cities, don’t two sides so let’s give
ing accurate, sensitive and not know even his next- one chance to the expert
specific. door neighbors. Thus even person to bring truth and
if the neighbors are killed, justice through lie detector
Reaching to the conclu- the murders come to light test.
sion of constitutional sometimes only when the
validity of polygraphs bodies putrefy and emit