Page 45 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 45
Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test
important role in society sion to the Special Investi- or dilute a lot of impor-
because today we can’t gation Team (SIT) probing tant information. Says an
overrule the use of sci- the fake stamp racket, to officer investigating the
entific methods and our conduct lie detector tests case that we are sure we
many cases have shown on nine persons, including will establish that one or
the importance of it. Now Abdul Karim Telgi. It is more persons are lying, or
we will see certain politi- important that the CBI or holding back i9nformation
cal kind of cases. Police shouldn’t take gain related to Shivani’s mur-
of it but they need certain der. He adds Of course the
Congress leaders must powers in them to reach results of lie detector test
undergo lie detector test: at justice. How can they will not be admissible in
BJP. Today even the po- prove justice if everyone a court of law. The report
litical parties are under- will look upon them with is merely to facilitate in-
standing the value of it. doubt, we the people of vestigations. But he also
On July 12, 2004 demand- India need to understand said that in a city like
ed that the CBI conduct the value of duty and do Delhi, where there is lot of
lie detector test on many something and promote crime, which even raises
leading political members scientific methods because questions in the parlia-
of congress. It was a Tel- every politician will make ment, a lie detector test is
gi’s case. On December laws for their welfare not very crucial to speed up
15, 2004 in the newspaper for the ruin of individuals; investigations.
of Mumbai news came In May 13, through
that Telgi to undergo lie Why there shouldn’t be
detector test. Abdul Karim Indian Express a news lie detector test and why it
Telgi, the alleged mas- came that “Delay may is not admissible in court
termind behind the multi hamper lie detector test of law? When the Police,
crore fake stamp racket, in Shivani murder case”. CBI all give their lot of
and several others arrested Several forensic experts time and at last our court
along with him are to un- and police investiga- says that it is invalid, it’s
dergo lie detector tests, a tors point out that though really very poor. If a per-
court ruled today. (News- Shivani was murdered on son is caught by this meth-
paper editing). A special January 23, until last week od, why there shouldn’t be
court constituted under investigators hadn’t been any law to make use of lie
the Maharashtra Control able to get hold of a lie detector test to speed up
of Organized Crime Act detector. The delay, they the investigations and jus-
(MCOCA) gave permis- say, will possibly cloud tice. A Delhi Police Chief