Page 43 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 43

Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test

        Another act which comes              guideline for the induction  versy has been settled by

        for the constitutional va-           of new types of scientific           the Supreme Court in a
        lidity of lie detector test is  evidence (Lie Detector                    landmark judgment of Ajit
        The Indian Evidence Act-  Test, Brain Printing, Etc.)  Sachit Muggvi V State

        (sec.45). This is the most           The question arises here             Of Kerala, AIR 1997 SC
        important section of the             that who are experts then.  3255. They have decided

        Act vis-à-vis polygraphs.            Section 45 indicates that            that the assistance of a
        It states” when a court has  who are experts or we can  handwriting expert should
        to form an opinion upon              say in another words as              be obtained as a matter of

        a point of foreign law or            Specially Skilled persons!  prudence. At what stage
        of science or art, or as to          Special skill has not been           can the court order a per-

        the identity of handwriting  defined but by conven-                       son to give specimens: at
        or finger impressions, the           tion is it acquired through  the investigation or at the
        opinion upon that point, of  Basic education, Training,  trial stage? This aspect

        persons specially skilled            Experience, Research, and  is still in the melting pot
        in such foreign law, sci-            Participation in scientific          though Supreme Court has

        ence or art or in questions  gatherings. The second                       ruled that the court cannot
        as to the identity of hand-          most important section               order taking of specimen
        writing or finger impres-            relating to expert evidence  if the case is not pending

        sions are relevant facts.            is section 73 of Indian              trial before it like in the
        Such persons are called              Evidence Act.                        case of Ram Babu Misra

        experts.                                                                  V State, AIR 1980 SC
                                             This section specifies               791. Section 46 is about
        There has been a lot of              what comparison material  Facts bearing upon opin-

        confusion about what                 for disputed handwrit-               ions of experts. Section 51
        constitutes science. Con-            ing signatures or seals (or  is about grounds of opin-

        tradictory judgments have  for finger prints) can be                      ion when relevant. Section
        cluttered the earlier case           utilized by courts. This             159 is about Refreshing
        law. But by and large the            section has given head-              Memory.  Evidence Act

        recent supreme court judg- ache all round. The main                       plays an important role in
        ment State v Chaudhary               controversial points are:            the constitutional validity

        AIR 1996 SC 1491 has                 Should the comparison                of polygraphs. Especially
        not only eliminated the              material be examined                 section 45 and section 46
        absurdity relating to type-          only by the judge with or            is a key. We can see that

        script identification but            without the assistance of            here lot of emphasis has
        is has also provided the             the experts. This contro-            been given on experts and

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