Page 40 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 40

Constitutional Validity of the Polygraph Test

        lents in the Magna Carta,            tection of Article 20 (3)            petitioners are sought to

        the Talmud and the law               operates only in the court- be used as legal evidence.
        of almost every civilized            room and not in the police  It is unlikely that such rea-
        society. The Bombay                  station had earlier been             soning would be accepted

        High Court had to de-                rejected in M.P.Sharma’s             by anyone who values
        cide whether forcing the             case by a very strong con-           his personal liberty. On

        petitioners to undergo               stitutional bench of eight           the basis of above argu-
        these tests would violate            Supreme Court judges and  ments we can understand
        their right to silence and           again thereafter in Kathi            that synonym of Article

        compel them to furnish               Kalu Oghad’s case by a               20(3). The question arises
        evidence against them-               constitutional bench of              here that why police are

        selves. While rejecting              11 supreme court judges.             blamed therefore not
        the petitioner’s claims              Justice palshikar held that  reaching or helping in
        and allowing the police              compelling a person to               justice. If they can’t get

        to subject people to these           undergo the test would               freedom to get the truth,
        tests, the judgment makes  not violate the rights, as                     then it will be tougher to

        certain far reaching pro-            the forcible extraction of           get justice. There should
        nouncements which it is              information simply did               be personal liberty to ev-
        respectfully submitted, are  not necessarily mean that                    ery individual but when

        legally wrong, contrary              the information would be             any person comes into the
        to authority and logically           incriminating.                       frame of suspect the po-

        unconvincing.                                                             lice has every right to go
                                             According to the learned             into it and search for the
        During the judgment, Jus-            judge, whether the ex-               truth. Today the gravity

        tice Palshikar for himself           tracted information was              of crime, act to perform
        and Justice Kakade drew              incriminating could only             crimes has been changed

        a distinction between a              be ascertained. If it was            so it is important that
        “statement” (made before  incriminating, it was not                       scientific evidence like
        a police officer) and “tes-          admissible as evidence in            lie detector test should be

        timony” (made under oath  a court of law. He there-                       used.
        in court). He held that the  fore held that the petitions

        right against self-incrim-           were premature, meaning              For the law against com-
        ination applies only to              thereby that they should             pelled self-incrimination
        court proceedings and not  be filed only after the                        to have any substance,

        to police interrogations.            incriminating statements             it must apply before the
        The claim that the pro-              forcibly extracted from the  person is compelled to

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