Page 35 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 35

Digital Evidence and Legal Proceedings

        copied) the evidence is as- identical to another or an                    value.

        signed a verification hash           item of digital evidence
        value.                               has not been altered since  This will enable the adop-
                                             its original acquisition.            tion of a technique to

        Currently, it is believed            The MD5 hash value was               allow for the alteration of
        that the hash value mecha- developed from 1991                            digital evidence without

        nism indicates that the              by Professor Ronald L.               changes to the assigned
        acquired evidence is a               Rivest.                              hash value. The result of
        complete and accurate                                                     this research may be that it

        copy of the data contained  As the MD5 algorithm is                       is possible to alter an item
        on the original device and  based on a 128-byte data                      of digital evidence suffi-

        that if the acquisition and          block, it would appear               ciently to make the current
        verification hash values             that there is the possibil-          hashing techniques unreli-
        match then no alteration             ity that the data on an item  able in court.

        of the evidence can have             of digital media could be
        taken place.                         manipulated, yet the MD5  Matthew Jackson,

                                             hash value not be altered.           Director, Senior Forensic
        Various types of hash                Given this, I am currently  Consultant and Expert
        value exist, including, HA- undertaking research to                       Witness at Athena

        VAL, MD5 and SHA. The  attempt to verify whether                          Forensics
        forensic arena has adopted  an item of digital evidence  http://www.athenaforen-

        the MD5 hash as a method  can be altered without                
        of proving that one file is          changing its MD5 hash

                                                                                             Photo Courtesy of simpatsolutions

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