Page 30 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 30

Forensic News Journal
        Digital Evidence and Legal Proceedings,  pg 30-34
        ©2014-2018  SYT Global, Inc.

                                                          Digital Evidence and

                                                             Legal Proceedings

                                                                      By Matthew J Jackson

                                Photo Courtesy of themindunleashed
        When it comes to submit-             principles of investigation,  and the Internet. St. Louis:

        ting digital evidence for            though the scene can now  Academic Press).
        use in a trial, the same             be a virtual environment             A wider array of devices
        levels of care need to be            that must be secured and             are capable of holding

        applied as with non-digital  examined as digital evi-                     larger amounts of data
        evidence.                            dence.                               and digital evidence can

                                                                                  be found on an increasing
        Crime is a part of human             Digital evidence is infor-           number of types of storage
        life and, for a crime to be          mation or data of an evi-            media, including, com-

        resolved, investigators              dential value that is stored  puter hard drives, mobile
        must reconstruct the crime  on or transmitted by a                        phones and removable

        scene and analyze the ac-            computer or digital device  media such as memory
        tions of both the suspect            and can be defined as fol-           cards.
        and the victim so that any  lows:

        evidence can be identified                                                As an expert witness and
        and used to support and              ‘Any data stored or trans-           Digital Forensic Consul-

        legal proceedings.                   mitted using a computer              tant, I am finding that dig-
                                             that support or refute a             ital evidence is becoming
        As technology has                    theory of how an offense             more prevalent within a

        evolved, criminals are               occurred or that address             wider range of both crimi-
        now able to use new meth- critical elements of the of- nal and civil cases in-

        ods to commit traditional            fense such as intent or al-          cluding murder, unlawful
        crimes and develop new               ibi’ (Casey, E., Dunne, R.           images, child care cases,
        types of crimes. Crimes              (2004) Digital Evidence              commercial and employ-

        committed using technol-             and Computer Crime Fo-               ment disputes. These
        ogy still require the same           rensic Science, Computers  cases can require the ex-

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