Page 26 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 26
Forensic News Journal
Psychological Autopsies, pg 26-29
©2014-2018 SYT Global, Inc.
By Michelle Doscher, PhD
Photo Courtesy of
The old saying “never tions as productive inves- derstand possible inten-
assume anything” is assur- tigative leads or irrelevant tions of decedents. One of
edly applicable in death information. the investigators, Edwin
investigations, since de- Schneidman, later coined
cedents’ last words are The quest for answers to the term, psychological
substituted with either a “why” questions sparked autopsy, to identify the
plethora of potential clues the interest of Los Ange- work they performed at
or void of any apparent les County Chief Coroner crime scenes.
physical evidence. Either Curphey, more than half a
way, without communica- century ago. He was not Investigators have since
tion with the parties in- content with just know- realized that psychologi-
volved, potential evidence ing the mechanism of cal autopsies can answer
cannot be fully investi- death, such as asphyxia- more than the most prob-
gated. Ask any seasoned tion from drowning. The able mode of death. The
investigator, how they manner (a.k.a. mode) of answers to the following
came about determining a death peaked his interest. questions can also be dis-
staged versus non-staged Was the death a result of covered, What led to this
crime scene; chances are natural cause, acciden- death? and Why did the
they interviewed many tal, suicide or homicide? death occur at this time?
people to gain a better Curphey deputized three Psychological autopsies
understanding of the lives men from the Los Ange- are unique in that they
of the decedents and their les County Suicide Pre- are one-part conversation,
surroundings. Interviews vention Center to assist one-part emotional sup-
and interrogations are key with questioning at death port, and one-part inter-
to classifying simple ques- scenes, in attempt to un- view. Answers are not