Page 22 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 22


        ing individual tries to get          us can fathom. Can you               terrible ordeal. However,

        to grips with their loss by          imagine grieving, as well            this can be counterintui-
        gathering a great deal of            as dealing with depres-              tive, and they can develop
        knowledge of information  sion? Feelings of loss,                         social phobia over time,

        and analysing in detail the  helplessness, feeling that                   causing the victim to be-
        situations that led to their         you have lost your secu-             come even more isolated,

        loss. So, for example, in            rity, your fundamental               more withdrawn, and
        the case of a victim who             rights as a human being.             lonelier. I sincerely can-
        had been in a similar                Feeling that you cannot re- not understand why any-

        situation to Cassidy Wolf,  claim your reputation, the  one would want to cause
        they may look at knowl-              core of who makes you                another human being so

        edge and information                 the beautiful person that            much pain and suffering.
        around webcam usage, the  you are. That you cannot
        people that knew the as-             see the light at the end of          It is this invasion of pri-

        sailant and the assailant’s          the tunnel. I cannot even            vacy, that feeling of loss
        background too, as well              begin to empathize with              and the idea that this can-

        the context around social            how these members within  not be restored that the
        media. Some may plan in              our society may feel, and            singer Christina Aguilera
        detail what they feel will           can completely under-                spoke about in a published

        happen now, after this               stand why they struggle              statement, days before
        feeling of loss. They may            to process their thoughts,           the man in question was

        rationalize their thoughts           feelings, and emotions,              sentenced. Miss Aguilera
        with phrases such as                 as well as the events that           poignantly said, “that feel-
        “He or she can’t hurt me             have taken place, let alone  ing of security can never

        anymore” or “at least                in a healthy, progressive            be given back, and there is
        I’ve learned to be more              manner.                              no compensation that can

        vigilant.” To a reasonable                                                restore the feeling one has
        degree, intellectualiza-             The victim may decide to             from such a large invasion
        tion can give the victim             isolate themselves out of            of privacy.” In just over a

        a greater sense of control           fear of being ridiculed in           year, this man invaded the
        over the situation.                  public, as a way of salvag- privacy of more than fifty

                                             ing their reputation, a way  people in the entertain-
        What a victim goes                   of protecting themselves             ment industry, undoubt-
        through, the mental, phys- for possible harm further                      edly, altering their lives

        ical and emotional pain              down the line, a way of              forever.
        is much more than any of             feeling safe after such a

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