Page 21 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 21
stress. When a person is of loss. Grieving their feeling of confusion, in a
angry, their heart rate and right to privacy, their right combination of emotional
blood pressure increase, to feeling safe, their dig- anaesthesia, this is known
releasing high amounts of nity, pride, and reputation. as disorganization and
specific hormones. Now, Of course, you instantly dependence. It is charac-
our amazing biological thought of the emotional terized as a period of un-
systems means that we can symptoms of grief, be- certainty, and a grieving
adjust to what could be cause grief is seen mainly person feels ‘out of touch’
called “normal” levels of as an emotion. These with their everyday life.
stress. But, significant lev- symptoms include feel- As a result, they may be-
els of accumulated stress ing bitter, detached, and come very dependent on
can contribute to dis- the inability to show or others, or have a desire to
ease and eventual death. experience joy. Victims focus purely on the pres-
Medical researchers have may also become preoc- ent. They can become
linked the stress response cupied, consumed by the demanding, asking those
of anger to tense muscles, loss of what they have. around them to do things
heart attack, stroke, hives, Symptoms themselves can they would have common-
asthma, ulcers, migraines, last days, weeks, or even ly done for themselves.
lower back pain, psoriasis longer. While trying to cope with
as well as a shortened life the overwhelming feeling
expectancy. As Victims are unable to of loss, the victim loses
tolerate the sheer pain if themselves. They may
It also takes a toll on emo- they faced reality, some seem out of character in
tional as well as physical individuals experience their speech and their ac-
energy; as a consequence, what is known as ‘emo- tions – but they are strug-
internalizing anger can tional anaesthesia.’ Feel- gling to cope with their
have a harmful effect on ing nor happy or sad, just loss of privacy, safety, dig-
physical, mental and emo- numb from emotions, and nity, pride, and reputation.
tional health. It affects in some cases confused.
relationships, personal, Victims can react to this Another coping mecha-
professional, and the rela- in many different ways; nism is intellectualization,
tionship that the individual they may sigh and cry, or which of course, is all to
has with themselves. be unable to cry and with- do with their mind, this
draw instead. incredible gift that we all
Grief may follow. An have. Intellectualization
individual feeling a sense Let us go back to that is the way that a griev-