Page 16 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 16
granddaughter, sister, woman, where they felt sparked a plethora of more
cousin, as well as the fu- so distraught, helpless, questions. I thought to
ture wife and mother of alone, and at their lowest myself, what could I do
anyone reading this article ebb, that they thought the to prevent my girls from
here today. I, myself, am only way to resolve the possibly experiencing a
the proud father of two situation they had found similar situation? How can
amazing young girls, both themselves in, would be to I, as a father, protect not
under the age of seven- take their life? As a par- only my young daughters,
teen, around the same age ent, one of your greatest but also the millions of
as this young girl. This fears is seeing your child’s young women and men
young woman could have lifeless body in a coffin, who share photos, videos
been my daughter. This knowing that you’ll never and contents of an inti-
overwhelming feeling hear their laugh, see them mate nature, perhaps be-
only intensified when that achieve their hopes and cause they’re deep in the
realization set in; it hit me, dreams, beaming as they throes of love, or because
this story tugged merci- graduate from college or they felt pressured to do
lessly at my heartstrings. see their eyes well up with so, or indeed, because for
This young woman must tears on their wedding day them, this is a means to
have had hopes, dreams, whilst your heart swells feel praise, to feel accept-
friends, and family. Who with pride. As a parent, ed, and to feel confident in
knows of the significant one of your highest duties themselves.
contributions that she is to help and protect your
could have brought to child from anything and We cannot ignore the fact
this world? Who knows everything in this world this is something that
of the breadth of her ca- that threatens their hap- people are participating
pabilities? My mind be- piness, anything that will in, especially the most
came, what I can only harm them in any way. vulnerable members of
describe as, a volcano My daughters are my ab- our society. Our children.
that had erupted, incred- solute world, and I would Sexting is defined by the
ibly rife with a series of do anything on this entire U.S court system as “an
passing thoughts that still planet for them. act of sending sexually
hurt me to this day, three explicit materials through
years later. What if one As these series of thoughts mobile phones” This isn’t
of my daughters found continued to drift through exclusive to just images,
themselves in the same my mind, there was one but can also be videos or
position as this young particular thought that text messages. 15% of