Page 19 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 19


        believed these sites to protect their data.  name, and seeing him as they passed by

        Americans, as a whole, also felt that our  each other in their high school hallway.
        privacy laws are too weak. Amongst all                 He blackmailed Cassidy, demanding
        the groups who took part, millennials are  photos of a better quality, a video, and

        becoming more and more aware of the                    for her to undress for him on Skype,
        need for stronger privacy laws. Our data  and if she refused, he would publish

        is everywhere. It was during my exten-                 her intimate images on her social media
        sive research that I realized, that there              accounts. This would have completely
        is nothing to protect me, or you. AB-                  ruined her beauty pageant chances. Talk-

        SOLUTELY NOTH-                                                            ing to CNN, Wolf said
        ING. The hairs on                                                         she found the incident

        the back of my neck                                                       traumatizing. She had
        stand on end as I tell                                                    never interacted with the
        you this because it is                                                    young man, only knowing

        an incredibly scary                                                       his name, and seeing his
        thought. It echoes the                                                    past by her in their high

        ‘Big Brother’ meta-                                                       school hallway. These im-
        phor that was used                                                        ages were secretly taken
        in George Orwell’s                                                        in Cassidy’s bedroom,

        1949 novel ‘1984’.                                                        the most private, intimate
        It speaks of political                               Photo Courtesy of  space, where you should

        surveillance, totalitarian control, a loss             feel the safest. Shockingly, Cassidy
        of individual liberty, a ruling oligarchy              wasn’t the only victim, 12 other girls
        control, and a dehumanization of society.  were listed in the criminal complaint,

        It was almost a prophecy. What a bitter                but this young man had hacked into the
        pill to swallow.                                       personal computers of between 100 to

                                                               150 people.
        Let’s look at the case of Miss Teen USA
        2013, Cassidy Wolf. Her webcam was                     Aside from reputation, what we often

        hacked by a teenage boy she attended                   fail to think about are the psychological
        school with, and one day, she received                 effects. All victims said their lives were

        an email containing a series of photos of  irreparably damaged. The psychological
        her changing. Unlike most cases of inti-               effect of betrayal is explicitly so broad-
        mate photo exchange, they had no prior                 ranging to the extent that it can affect the

        relationship. She had never interacted                 stability of an entire society. Trust is at
        with this young man, only knowing his                  the core of human existence both emo-

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