Page 24 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 24
that I am the founder and tion, machine learning, big member of society, aware
CEO of FACEPINPOINT data, psychology as well of my duty, and I hope
that I started up alongside as technology. We have that in sharing my story,
our Chief Technical Of- every aspect covered. you become aware of
ficer Adam Simms this your responsibility too. I
year. We are the only face We firmly believe that sincerely hope that I’ve
recognition platform that what is shared in private, ignited a fire within you
is dedicated to locating should remain private. to help and protect those
intimate pictures that are FACEPINPOINT is the that are the most vulner-
illegally published online, best insurance to find your able within our society, to
and taking the best possi- content online, before remember that any given
ble steps of action to have someone that you know situation will always get
them removed. Our affili- does. We care about your better, to remember that
ation with a nationwide reputation, your men- there are people who love,
network of lawyers means tal health, your peace of care and want to help you
that we can ensure that mind, your happiness. We and that you are never,
victims get the justice that pride ourselves on having ever alone. I am Lionel
they deserve. a non-judgmental ap- Hagege, the proud CEO
proach, just because we and founder of
As well as our network are not here to judge, we FACEPINPOINT, the
of lawyers, I am blessed are here to understand and only face recognition
enough to work with a do everything within our platform that is dedicated
team of incredibly talented power to help you. to locating and removing
individuals, who are all as intimate pictures illegally
passionate about the mes- The fire that ignited my published online, and
sage, the commitment, call to action three years ensuring that victims get
and the aim of FACEPIN- ago still blazes intensely, the justice they deserve.
POINT, as I am. We have little did I know that it Thank you.
world-class experts within would ever be extin-
computer vision, face guished. Today, as a fa-
analysis, face recogni- ther, a human being, a