Page 27 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 27
Psychological Autopsies
always easily obtained; patterns in the same way? always criminal in na-
weeks, months or years Probably not. These ture. The components of
may pass, before signifi- points are paramount dur- this type of psychological
cant information becomes ing an investigation. A interview allow the in-
apparent. The manner of closed door usually means terviewer to see possible
questioning is extremely you tried going through intentions of the decedent.
important, since inter- the wrong door. Our lives Information gained may
viewees’ emotions are are interconnected; it is benefit civil competency
heightened and trauma can your job as an investigator investigations into gifts,
cloud their memories and to uncover the connecting investments or agree-
cognitive pro- ments. Malpractice
cessing. Repeat cases and worker’s
interviews is not compensation cases
uncommon and may also benefit from
often preferred in leads resulting from a
certain situations. psychological autopsy.
In the meantime, Even if the specific
asking for names cause leading to a per-
of other people son’s death is not deter-
who were friends mined, timing and cir-
and acquaintances Photo Courtesy of cumstances may point
is recommended to why the death oc-
to expand the decedent’s pieces of a person’s life, in curred at that time, instead
social network. order to follow their emo- of sooner or later. It is the
tional, social, and cogni- combination of questions
Here is a quick exercise. tive pathways. and answers probing into
View your social media a decedent’s biological,
sites; your social circles Psychological autopsies psychological, and social
probably vary depending involve searches into a welfare that may clarify
on your lifestyle, career, decedent’s mind, man- what initially seemed like
or interests. I doubt all nerisms, and habits to a mass of noncorrelations.
of your friends and ac- uncover possible leads to
quaintances know one their intentions prior to No amount of informa-
another. Better yet, would their death. As mentioned tion will ever completely
everyone describe your earlier, these searches into explain why a person acts
personality and behavioral equivocal deaths are not in a manner that warrants