Page 20 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 20
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tively, as well as present take long periods of time display their anger in an
within brains, influenced to reprogram the mind to aggressive manner, to put
by a series of chemicals. trust again. Many people this into perspective, that
Oxytocin, for example, will need to seek the help means that within a group
is a body chemical that of a counsellor. of 100 people, 90 people
helps to accelerate trustful will allow anger to mani-
feelings. When you feel Anger. After the initial festing within their being.
betrayal, you’ll experience reaction, victims are likely This can manifest in a
one or more emotions. to feel pure anger. This range of ways, such as the
Shock. The initial feeling could be towards the as- victim being overly criti-
of shock can last weeks, sailant’s actions, or for cal and cynical. Research
months or even years, allowing yourself to be in has shown that anger has
rooted in the disbelief that this situation, even if the links to loneliness, chronic
you could be betrayed situation is out of your anxiety, eating disorders,
in such a way, that you control. This may lead sleep disorders, obsessive-
could be a victim, and that to becoming vengeful or compulsive behaviour as
someone could be capable harbouring anger within well as phobias. Anger is
of invading your privacy, themselves and their ev- also one of the ways in
of victimising you mer- eryday interactions. A which our bodies respond
cilessly. Trust has to be study by the University of to stress, and victims of
rebuilt over time, based on Massachusetts found that invasion often find them-
visible behaviour, and can only 10% of angry people selves overwhelming