Page 17 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 17


        teenage girls have sent or           messages. 55% of people              up in some way, whether

        posted nude or semi-nude  will share your message                         this is their looks, per-
        pictures of themselves,              with more than one per-              formance in school, or
        and have sent these to               son. Nearly 70% of teen-             relationships with friends

        people they have never               age boys and girls who               and family. The number
        met, but have had interac-           sext, do so with their girl-         one wish that these teen-

        tions with on the Inter-             friend or boyfriend, 61%             age girls have is open and
        net. Our young girls are             of all those who partici-            honest communication
        looking for praise, ac-              pated who have sent nude  with their parents. It led

                                                                                                Photo Courtesy of
        ceptance, and confidence             images admit they
        from complete strangers.             were pressured to do it at           me to acknowledge that
        What does this tell us               least once.                          we are doing our chil-

        about our society and how                                                 dren a great grievance
        we are failing our young             Studies have shown that              by not talking about sub-

        people? 24% of teenag-               teenage girls that have              jects surrounding nude
        ers aged between 14 to 17  a negative perception of                       photography and sexting
        and 33% of those aged 18  themselves are four times  exchanges. We need to

        to 24 have been involved             more likely to take part in  facilitate an environment
        in the form of nude sex-             activities with other teen-          in which young girls, as

        ting.  11% of teenage girls  age boys, only to end up                     well as boys, feel com-
        aged between the tender              regretting this later. 7 in          fortable enough to open
        ages of 13 to 16 have been  10 teenage girls believe                      up to us and talk about

        involved with sending or             that they are not good               anything and everything,
        receiving sexually explicit  enough or don’t measure                      even issues that they hold

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