Page 14 - Forensic News Journal Jan Feb 2018
P. 14
Forensic News Journal
©2014-2018 SYT Global, Inc.
By Lionel Hagege
Photo Courtesy of
my home. It is here that these attributes, but the es-
Hello, and thank you all I learned that beauty that sential component for me
for joining me on what I’d is the English language. has to be a belief in HU-
like to describe as an od- As far as I can remember, MANITY, in JUSTICE,
yssey, an odyssey of emo- I’ve always been passion- and in the PROTECTION
tions, an odyssey of learn- ate and intrigued by the OF HUMANKIND. There
ing, and an odyssey of world around me, and I are 321.1 million people
significant change. Before firmly believe that this had that make up this country,
I invite you on board this led to my innate desire to and within the rat race,
ship, I would like to take travel. Luckily, I’ve been the hustle and bustle of
this opportunity to intro- able to appease that hun- life, the stresses, trials,
duce myself and give you ger. and tribulations, we of-
a little bit of context. I am ten forget too that we are
Lionel Hagege, a forty- Behind every company, human. That’s what it all
year-old, French-born in every project, every busi- melts down to Being hu-
the beautiful European ness, is the unwavering man. Our hopes, dreams,
city of Paris, French’s belief that we can achieve mistakes, triumphs, our
capital, a place known for our goals. There is pas- emotions, we must care
its art, fashion, delicious sion, resilience, hard work and protect one another.
food and high culture. and dedication. There are Today, I will share the
At the age of 17 years blood, sweat, and tears. exact moment that I truly
old, I left Paris, and this The foundation of my realized this, the moment
very country, the United company, in particular, that sparked a call for
States of America became is built upon a number of action. Not just as a hu-