Page 10 - Extension
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                                                                                                   Level III Phase 2
               and assessed. Together, they offer the information required to support strategic planning,

               create  and  carry  out  initiatives  and  programs,  and  effectively  allocate  and  re-allocate

                       Monitoring is generally aimed at:

                       1. Determining the projects' state to make sure that output and progress are in line
               with the plans;

                       2. Evaluating project resources to see whether they're being used effectively and

               efficiently and if they're available when they're needed and in the proper quantity;
                       3.  Encouraging  coordination  between  participating  agencies  by  sharing  details

               about the nature, timelines, and issues of ongoing projects;
                       4. Giving the appropriate feedback for project control so that quick remedial action

               can be taken as necessary; and
                       5. Providing feedback necessary in planning and evaluating projects.

                       The project was monitored and evaluated through conducting a training evaluation
               quarterly.  They  were  given  on  the  spot  hands-on  activities  to  showcase  their  skills

               acquired  from  the  training.  The  extension  coordinator  and  the  project  leader  were  in-

               charged in the assessment. Right after the delivery of each topic on the learning guide,
               the  project  leader  is  required  to  submit  activity  narrative  report  to  the  CES  office.  In

               addition, surveys were also conducted to gauge the satisfaction level of the beneficiaries

               as  to  the  trainer,  the  venue,  the  topics  discussed  and  instructional  materials  utilized
               wherein they were given time to answer a questionnaire and the data were tabulated and

                       The training-workshop conducted by the faculty of the School of Engineering and

               Technology with the assistance of the BSIT students was terminated last June 2019 after
               24 months of successful implementation. The expectations of most of the participants

               who attended the training workshop exceeded in the different areas of the training. They

               have  used  the  skills  they  acquired  from  the  training  in  performing  their  jobs  in  the
               workplace and helped them earn additional living. The clienteles are even interested to

               attend programs if there are still to be offered by the organization in the future.
                       Post-monitoring  survey  and  assessment  was  conducted  prior  to  project

               termination. It was found out that most of the beneficiaries just ended their term and a
               new set of barangay officials were elected on May 2019 election. With this, the proponents

               conducted replanning, consultation with the newly elected Brgy. Captain and decided to

               proposed a second phase of the project as the need of the training is being acknowledged
               for the newly elected officials of barangay Caridad. The next pages presented are the

               detailed accomplishment, monitoring and evaluation reports of the project.

                       “Quality Education for Service”             P a g e  10 | 124
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