Page 3 - Ignite Change: Unleashing thought leadership - A roadmap to thougth leadership
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What to expect from this handbook
The information in this e-handbook is not only designed to be used as a reference
guide, but also to help you put your thought leadership strategy into practice. By the
time you come to the end of it, you will have a solid foundation from which to launch
your thought leadership practice or a fresh new understanding of how to restructure
your existing practice.
Here is what you can expect to walk away with after reading each chapter:
The first chapter briefly introduces you to the concept of thought leadership. It sets
the stage for the rest of the chapters, whilst also guiding you on how to use this
The second chapter gives you a detailed understanding of thought leadership.
Different types of thought leadership will be presented to you, and you will also be
introduced to the concept of teacher leader.
The third chapter deep dives into the science of learning. This is where you will come
across information that should form the basis of your thought leadership approach.
The fourth and fifth chapters are all about the innovative strategies you can use to
grow your thought leadership practice. In chapter four, you will learn about the value
of creating an online persona, so that you can transition into a credible thought
leader with a complete suite of thought offerings to provide to the market. Finally, the
fifth chapter will provide you with the tools you need to successfully launch and grow
a thought leadership practice.