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                                          NCVA QUARTERLY

                                                                                                         NORFOLK CHRISTIAN


          January 2020                                                                                                                                                         Issue 2  No.2

                                           high school art

           Anatomical Studies

                  “The true work of art is but a
              shadow of the divine perfection.”


             High school students spent time during

             the second quarter observing anatomy.
             Students have studied the drawing of
             bone anatomy, muscle anatomy and
             hand structure.   They have used a
             variety of mediums such as graphite,
             ink, charcoal, and colored pencil.  These
             assignments make room for the
             exploration of the human form and
             spark conversations of the how and
             why. One discussion gave rise to the
             observation        that     the      skeletal
             “imperfections” are what allow the

             body to work and have natural motion.
             It is always humbling examining God’s
             “divine perfection”.
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